Be Your Best: Springboard Coaching

Are you a senior manager or director ready to make the next ‘step change’ in your career and intent on presenting the very best version of you?

We can help you

  • To feel satisfied that you have presented the best, authentic version of yourself in every recruitment process.
  • To be able to articulate your competence & experience in a confident, clear way that best showcases your skills & abilities.
  • To learn more about your strengths & blindspots & how these impact you as a leader & to feel comfortable talking about them at interview.
  • And much more...



Alison Reynolds

It is quite isolating being self-employed, especially over the last couple of years, so to now have access to peers and grown up conversations in a confidential environment is very important. It is also important to invest time in myself and work on my own personal development. It gives me quality time to think about my own business strategically.

" Brilliant boards build brilliant businesses.”

Copyright The Experience Bank Group, which comprises TEB Partnership Limited Co No 9900261 (The Experience Bank™) and EB Strategic Talent Ltd Co No 12574098 (EB Board Level Recruitment, EB High Performing Boards and EB Continuous Professional Development). Registered office: 13 The Grove, Forest Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE12 9PE