Experience Bank Group Launches New Key Manager Peer Group

January 10, 2022
Case Studies

Peter Neal, founder of Experience Bank Group, is delighted to announce not one, but two opportunities for a number of the region’s key managers to benefit from leading peer group access.

Employers who put forward their management team members can expect flourishing talent to grow, reaping rewards from individuals who will be given the accountability to become the best version of themselves.

Joining the Experience Bank Group’s team to deliver the two cohorts are Stephen Green and Angela Huntley, who are also co-founders of CUBED Mindset. They both bring the knowledge and experience to deliver the key management peer groups which are based upon the core foundations of psychological safety, meaning members can expect to go on a rewarding journey of personal development and managerial peer learning.

Exploring personal growth areas such as emotional intelligence, perception, dynamics, leadership versus management, brand, culture and diversity, many business topics will also be covered. These include strategy, culture, employee engagement, customer experience, data, corporate storytelling, project management and more.

Peter, whose established peer groups for aspiring NEDs, Trustees and Board Advisors are extremely popular, said:

“Peer groups are beginning to be the core to the success of many individual’s careers. Many suggest they are the future of management and leadership development. With that in mind we are keen to work with CEOs, MDs and their HR Leads in SMEs and charities who wish to invest in their brightest talent.

“I am really looking forward to seeing the impact Stephen and Angela bring and am excited to work with them throughout 2022 and beyond.”

Peer groups involve working with like-minded people, effectively sharing knowledge, learning skills, finding solutions, and exploring ideas. Stephen said:

“Following a chance conversation with Peter that led to the creation of the new peer group programme, I can’t wait to now start delivery. Each group has only ten to twelve places, so interested parties need to get in touch soon.

“The three of us share a lot of values, and agree on the value of good peer support groups. Taking people out of their comfort zone equals growth and development that benefit both the individual and their employer.”

Another benefit of peer groups is the relationships that are formed between members. Angela said:

“Having been working with peer group cohorts for a number of years, it is so rewarding to see them flourish. If managers only learn from those who manage them, clones are created. This kind of investment brings to a company diversity in skills and approach, as well as building confidence, a sense of self and growing trust in the team. Soft skills are just as important as hard-edge business acumen, and a connected team will always perform well so we combine both into our sessions.”

Experience Bank Group incorporates The Experience Bank philanthropic, social enterprise company along with a commercial venture providing three symbiotic services – EB Board Level Recruitment, EB High Performing Boards and EB Continuous Professional Development.

With this combination of specialist expertise, the Experience Bank Group is uniquely positioned to help organisations ensure they have not only the right skills in the leadership team and boardroom but also optimum board performance with higher value creation

Thank you to The Tyneside Cinema

Just before we broke for the Christmas break, the three cohorts of the peer group for existing and aspiring NEDs, Trustees, Board Advisors and consultants working at board level came…
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" Brilliant boards build brilliant businesses.”

Copyright The Experience Bank Group, which comprises TEB Partnership Limited Co No 9900261 (The Experience Bank™) and EB Strategic Talent Ltd Co No 12574098 (EB Board Level Recruitment, EB High Performing Boards and EB Continuous Professional Development). Registered office: Clavering House, Clavering Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3NG