Spincraft Bolsters Director Team Via Experience Bank Group

November 20, 2021
Case Studies
Mark and Don

Don Murray recently joined Standex Engineering Technologies Group’s Spincraft UK business as Managing Director earlier this year, and he was so impressed with his own journey that when he was ready to expand his senior leadership team, he turned again to Peter Neal at Experience Bank Group.

Spincraft UK offers engineered metal forming solutions to the aviation, oil & gas and medical markets with its core process being spin forming, supported by other critical added value processes.

With an office in Newburn and an office in Benwell, the North East based UK company recognised that it needed to update its approach to looking at the future, looking for investment and growth, both through current account expansion as well as new customer and market penetration. To do this Don, who had previously been at Rolls Royce for 35 years, has strengthened the existing team by bringing in Mark Healey as Director of Business Development. Working with Peter Neal to find the ideal candidate, Don said:

“When I was looking for a change in direction, I met Peter who just seemed to do things differently. I had been talking to other recruiters, but Peter seemed genuinely interested in me and in what I was doing, to make a difference. He went to great lengths to ensure he was under both my skin and that of his client’s needs. He has a way of thinking and asking questions that make it a relaxing experience, and I certainly wasn’t treated like a number or just one on a list.”

Don was so impressed that when he came to expand his team in his new role, he asked Peter for help again.

“The beauty of the way Peter engages with you, means you aren’t selling yourself. You are simply saying, this is who I am, could I be what you need?

“When he first introduced Mark to me on paper, I chose to not pursue him as his CV didn’t reflect quite what I was looking for. Peter asked me why and listed the reasons he thought there was synergy as he had got to know Mark the same way he had me. I trusted Peter’s judgement and interviewed Mark and so far, it has been a very good decision.

“Mark is already making a difference with his high level of energy – he is very active and dedicated to result driven acts. He has ideas and puts them into action, delivering profitable aims, in which we can both see how the clarity for the future is starting to form.

“I can’t thank Peter enough for his introduction, the leg work he puts in, his insight and his guidance into understanding what we needed to have the right person in place!”

Experience Bank Group incorporates a commercial venture providing two, symbiotic services – EB Board Level Recruitment and EB High Performing Boards along with The Experience Bank philanthropic, social enterprise company.

With this combination of specialist expertise, Experience Bank Group is uniquely positioned to help organisations ensure they have not only the right skills in the boardroom but also optimum board performance with higher value creation. Peter said:

“I was delighted that Don came to me to help him build his team. Firstly, to see him doing so well and settled in his new role is very satisfying, and to put in place Mark to support his vision and journey is exciting – I will be watching their futures with much interest. I am also delighted that Don has since offered his services to The Experience Bank, on a pro-bono basis to support our philanthropic efforts.”

For founding entrepreneurs and small charities, the social enterprise company, The Experience Bank, has a carefully curated network of inspiring, experienced people who can add value to many start-up businesses and small charities, and can match entrepreneurs to board advisors and non-executives who support businesses to become investment-ready or to successfully achieve the next phase of commercialisation.

5% of all revenue from Experience Bank Group is gifted to The Experience Bank social enterprise to enable more start-ups, early-stage businesses, charities and social enterprises access to high quality, advisory and non-executive talent.

If you are keen to know more, then visit www.theexperiencebank.co.uk. To gain access to The Experience Bank or for recruitment of a senior management or board position, email peter@theexperiencebank.co.uk or call Peter on 07843 329393.

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Just before we broke for the Christmas break, the three cohorts of the peer group for existing and aspiring NEDs, Trustees, Board Advisors and consultants working at board level came…
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Copyright The Experience Bank Group, which comprises TEB Partnership Limited Co No 9900261 (The Experience Bank™) and EB Strategic Talent Ltd Co No 12574098 (EB Board Level Recruitment, EB High Performing Boards and EB Continuous Professional Development). Registered office: Clavering House, Clavering Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3NG