Video with Paul Lancaster

July 10, 2021

In this video, Peter Neal tells Paul Lancaster about The Experience Bank Group which enables & supports North East based SMEs & charities to build & maintain high performing boards that are more resilient & responsive, can lead successful turnaround or transformation strategies, are better equipped to plan strategically & deliver sustainable growth, seed & feed innovation, & attain excellent standards of governance.

For over 25 years, Peter has worked for and with SMEs & charities across the North East of England, dedicated his time to identifying, assessing, tracking & placing hundreds of executive & non-executive directors.

The Experience Bank™ part of the Group is an independent, not-for-profit, social enterprise to champion the value of non-executive support to founding entrepreneurs & provides early-stage businesses & small charities free access to a carefully curated pool of non-executive talent.

At the same time, the commercial part of the Group is a niche recruitment consultancy that is very good at finding the right board & senior management talent at the right time for SMEs & charities located in the North East of England.

Do watch the video to learn more in Peter’s own words!

" Brilliant boards build brilliant businesses.”

Copyright The Experience Bank Group, which comprises TEB Partnership Limited Co No 9900261 (The Experience Bank™) and EB Strategic Talent Ltd Co No 12574098 (EB Board Level Recruitment, EB High Performing Boards and EB Continuous Professional Development). Registered office: Clavering House, Clavering Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3NG