The Experience Bank™ is an independent, not-for-profit, social enterprise established to champion the value of non-executive and board advisory support to founding entrepreneurs, and provide early-stage businesses and small charities free access to a carefully curated pool of non-executive and board advisory talent.

Click here to read the Memorandum of Understanding that sets out how The Experience Bank™ works for both founders and board advisors.

Connecting people.Growing businesses.

Imagine being able to tap into a wealthof experience to take your business to thenext level.

Every entrepreneur knows that the decision to take on a non-executive director or board advisor – to let someone new into their business – is a huge step. So finding the right person, who will bring that perfect blend of challenge and support, is not easy.
That’s where The Experience Bank™ comes in…
Non-execs and board advisors come in all shapes and sizes. From those with a very specific skill-set, who can bring a voice of experience to the table that will help focus the business, to someone whose skills and knowledge span all disciplines of business.

Whatever you are looking for, The Experience Bank™ can help connect you with people with the right competencies and motivations to help your business realise its potential.


Experienced business people are waiting to help North East businesses.


Businesses have benefited from our support so far.

How we can help…

We have a tight network of experienced, motivated experts across all disciplines of business, who are ready and able to bring their knowledge to support start-up and early-stage businesses.
If you think a non-executive or board advisor may add value to your company, we can help with:
  • Information about non-executives or board advisors, what you can and cannot expect from one, and how they help your business
  • Identifying the skills and values your non-executive or board advisor will need to possess, based on open and honest discussions with you
  • Mining the talented and experienced people we have in the Experience Bank, to help you shortlist possible non-executives or board advisors we believe will be suitable
  • Advice about the best process to ensure you find and appoint the right person.
And if you’re a person who thinks you have the time, energy and ambition to become a non-executive director or board advisor, we will:
  • Learn more about you and the skills you are able to bring to a business
  • Look out for the right opportunities for you to work with the businesses we support, to ensure that there is a great fit for you and the company.
We use our extensive contacts across North East industry to recruit potential non-execs who are actively looking for the right opportunity to get on board with a business and help it move forward. We don’t publish the list of non-executives we have signed up, but when a business is ready to add to their team, our promise is to find the most suitable person for the job from the wealth of contacts we have.

A Virtuous Circle

The Experience Bank Group creates a funding stream for our social enterprise, The Experience Bank™, from revenue generated by our commercial consultancy services invested in by more established organisations (those that can afford it) to help early stage businesses and small charities (those that can’t afford it).

The Experience Bank™ gives a percentage of its revenue to its social enterprise so that it may support even more founding entrepreneurs to build successful and sustainable organisations.

Moray Martin, NED and Investor

Peter listens to what you have to say, sees the opportunity, thinks about it, takes the appropriate soundings and then provides the inputs and connections that put you immediately on the pathway to the solution. All of this is done in an efficient, timely, gentle and encouraging manner. His focus is entirely on the interest of his clients and for this reason I have no hesitation in adding my personal endorsement and recommendation.

" Brilliant boards build brilliant businesses.”

Copyright The Experience Bank Group, which comprises TEB Partnership Limited Co No 9900261 (The Experience Bank™) and EB Strategic Talent Ltd Co No 12574098 (EB Board Level Recruitment, EB High Performing Boards and EB Continuous Professional Development). Registered office: Clavering House, Clavering Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3NG