Graham Restores Career Focus Thanks To Experience Bank Group

June 10, 2022
Case Studies

Following two years out of his career market place over the pandemic, during which time Graham Stafford concentrated on developing some family agricultural land, he found his lack of career focus was affecting the quality in how he was presenting himself, so he turned to the Experience Bank Group for help.

The Be Your Best Candidate Coaching was launched by Experience Bank Group Peter Neal and his associate Rae Gaukroger with the aim of building candidate knowledge, skills and confidence to transition to new opportunities faster.

Graham, who knew Peter already, asked how he could get more traction on his applications and project himself better. With an impressive career history including being involved in the launch of Sony Playstation games, digital services and games for Nokia and an instore radio company, Graham was open to the idea of coaching. With a coaching qualification himself he valued the benefits, and he knew that a good coach would draw the answers he needed out of himself. Graham, who has five grandchildren, said:

“Having had a chemistry session with Rae, I decided to invest in myself and my future. So far, the session has served its purpose as I am now getting interviews and am confident in any presentations I am giving. Rae drew out of me outcomes that I have dedicated time to, to get right. We covered more ground than I expected, and she has really helped me finesse my approach.”

Rae, who adopts an honest approach, works with people to remove mental blocks and create light bulb moments on what they have to offer. She said:

“With a 35-year strong track record in impressive organisations and roles, Graham has so many skills that are transferable and instead of listing his history, he needed to look at what he would bring to a company, what added value his presence brings. It has been very rewarding helping him find the golden thread throughout his career that makes him such an attractive prospect.”

Graham concluded:

“Rae got me to think about why I wanted a job when I don’t actually need one. She helped me join the dots for employers and brought back my personality instead of a dry CV. I am very grateful to Rae and will be using the services whenever I need support in my new career in the future.”

Rae’s coaching is tailored to the needs of the individual and clients find their confidence boosted, able to articulate their skills and experience with clarity plus the skills to present with presence and gravitas. Of course, there is no guarantee a job offer but we can help you to give it your best shot by presenting the very best version of yourself.

Following a free initial “chemistry” call with Rae to understand your context and what you are seeking to achieve, your coaching will be tailored to you.

Experience Bank Group incorporates The Experience Bank philanthropic, social enterprise company along with a commercial venture providing two, symbiotic services – EB Board level Recruitment and EB High Performing Boards.

With this combination of specialist expertise, the Experience Bank Group is uniquely positioned to help organisations ensure they have not only the right skills in the leadership team and boardroom but also optimum board performance with higher value creation.

5% of all revenue from the Experience Bank Group is gifted to The Experience Bank social enterprise to enable more start-ups, early-stage businesses, charities and social enterprises to have access to high quality, advisory and non-executive talent.

More information is available at or by emailing or by calling her on 07946313134.

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Just before we broke for the Christmas break, the three cohorts of the peer group for existing and aspiring NEDs, Trustees, Board Advisors and consultants working at board level came…
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Copyright The Experience Bank Group, which comprises TEB Partnership Limited Co No 9900261 (The Experience Bank™) and EB Strategic Talent Ltd Co No 12574098 (EB Board Level Recruitment, EB High Performing Boards and EB Continuous Professional Development). Registered office: Clavering House, Clavering Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3NG